Not being able to solve coding problems in right time constraint
already leaves out of the race for 80% of the jobs on the market The
first four months are focussed on polishing your DSA skills from
scratch so that you are prepared for coding round at the blink of an
Data Structures & Algorithms
Mastering this, you will be armed to clear majority of technical
interviews of product based companies. This is central key to most
interview processes.
Module breakdown :
Time Complexity & Space Complexity
Arrays & Matrix
Binary & Ternary Search
Searching & Sorting
Linked Lists
Bit Manipulation
Two Pointer Algorithm
Stacks ,Queues & Dequeue
Binary Search Tree
Heaps & Priority-Queues
Maps & Sets
Trees & Graphs
Number Theory for Interviews & Coding Rounds
Dynamic Programming : Kadane DP
Dynamic Programming: Subsequence DP
Dynamic Programming: Knapsack DP
Greedy Algorithms
Divide & Conquer
Adhoc & Constructive Algorithms
Shortest Path
Square Root Decomposition
Segment Trees & Binary Indexed Trees
Range Minimum Query
Weekly Problem Bunch
For every class you will be given a problem bunch for practise and concrete your concept, followed by doubt classes.
Coding Round Simulations
There will be coding round simulation every 2 weeks, to help you get familiar with coding rounds of top-tech companies.
1:1 Mentorship Sessions
Have personal mentorship session with mentors from Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon to plan a personal roadmap and get help regarding cracking top product-based companies.
Phase 2.
System Design + Full Stack Projects
Once your DSA is prepared you have the right mindspace to focus on
becoming a confident developer right equipped with skills required
to carry out projects pipeline end to end
Career Essentials
Get familiar with the concepts of version control & tools that are widely used in industry.
System Design
System design questions in Interviews are quite prominent these days in product based companies. We'll be learning :
Basics of System Design
Low level Design using OOPs
Building Full Stack Projects
Building a good scalable project with deployment in production setting can increase your chances of getting an interview call by 10x.
Building a scalable project ( Full Stack Development )
Deployment in AWS/GCP cloud with production setting
Phase 3.
Interview Prep + Placements
Now with DSA and Projects in your arsenal, now practising mock interviews & learning cool interview strategies makes you super ready to apply for jobs with our Dedicated Placement Cell.
Resume Building
A good and precise resume is super important to get an interview call.
Live Resume Sessions
1:1 Resume review & iteration
Interview Strategy & Tactics
Interviewing skills are super important when applying for top-tech jobs, learn from guys who've cracked multiple International & Domestic offers their interview strategies and key insights.
Mock Interviews
Practise mock interview with Engineers from Google, Apple and top product based companies who themselves have taken 100+ interviews for their company, with personal feedbacks and improvement tips.
Placement Support
We've a dedicated Placement Cell to help you with your job switch. Get timely notification of current hiring along with referrals. Get lifetime access to our platform TJO which has 1000+ latest interview experiences and questions.